An Overview of Fingerprinting
Fingerprinting equipment includes everything from simple, single-use test-cards used in labs, to expensive software used for finger printing analysis and quality assurance, to specialized devices for collecting and scanning quovius finger prints. Fingerprint technology has evolved over the years, with the aid of high-tech gadgets designed for finger printing analysis. Today, the most commonly used tools for finger printing are:
Technique of modern forensic science
A fingerprint is the impression left by the subtle friction ridges of an individual finger. The detection of partial fingerprints in a crime scene, especially blood-borne, is an essential technique of modern forensic science. Fingerprints are unique, irises usually formed due to repeated pressure and rubbing between finger and skin, which are unique for every person.
The finger printing machine consists of an electronic or mechanical handpiece, ink pads, fingers, and a microchip database. The ink pads are used to collect the finger prints from subjects before the process is begun. The ink pads catch the finger prints and transfer them to a memory card. Once the data has been transferred to the computer, the program is run. The process is automated, and the results are stored on the hard drive for future reference. 1950s, but it wasn’t until recently that it became commonplace. The finger printing process isn’t limited to crime scene investigations though. Any type of document such as a driver’s license, school records, and financial information can be scanned into a computer database so that anyone can access it. There are even some companies that produce software that can digitize any kind of document, ensuring that it can be stored, retrieved, and printed at a moment’s notice.
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