What is the Highest Quality Matcha Tea?
What is the highest quality matcha green tea powder available? Most people will simply tell you that it is matcho or down, which is a Japanese rice wine that is usually served as an alcoholic beverage. While matcho has been enjoyed for centuries, most people think of it today as a salty pickle. There are other qualities to match that people are beginning to discover, including its ability to help reduce the risk of heart disease.
Highest quality matcha
What is the highest quality matcha green tea powder? High quality matcho comes from the young, delicate leaves of the original plant, which are rarely processed and are very rich in antioxidants. Unlike other types of tea, matcho with no exception, does not undergo any special preparation and is drunk plain. Cereal grade matcho is grown using a precise and strict method of shade growing, which ensures the highest quality.
What is the highest quality matcha green tea powder? You won’t find it at your local supermarket. The highest quality watch comes only from Japan, where the tea ceremonies take place in a special ceremonial garden. Because of the nature of the tea ceremonies, only a select few products can be used in the ceremony and those products must meet extremely high standards. This is why only the highest quality matcha green tea powder products can be sold in Japan.