Cyber Security Awareness Training Topics
Cyber security cyber security awareness topics training is an essential tool for protecting employees and the company’s information from hackers. Employees should be trained to spot the latest threats and understand how their own behaviors can lead to data breaches and other cybersecurity incidents.
The most important topics to cover in a cyber security awareness program include phishing and other social engineering attacks, malware, password security, working remotely and mobile devices, and securing personal data. Additionally, physical security is an important aspect of a well-rounded program that trains employees to recognize and prevent in-person attacks such as tailgating, theft, fraud, vandalism, and espionage.
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As the threat landscape evolves, it’s also vital to keep up with current trends and provide regular refresher courses. This includes a focus on social media safety for remote workers, device security best practices (including virtual private network usage), and updates to cyber threats such as crypto-malware or exploits that crash mobile phones.
It’s also important to make cyber security awareness training relatable for employees. This means using eye-catching tactics such as colorful infographics to highlight key points, or interactive, bite-sized lessons. These types of learning modules can augment participation rates and ensure critical subject matter stays top of mind.
In addition to regular refresher courses, CISOs should consider a full security awareness program that provides ongoing education and phishing simulations. For example, Terranova Security offers a comprehensive program that deploys three different courses and four phishing simulations over the course of a year.
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